【高考范文】FF 2023届 高考范文7

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比来,在一本英文旅行杂志上登载了国际空间站(ISS-- International Space Station)将在2020年对旅客开放的信息(见下表)。若是有或者(具备充沛的时间和金钱),你是否会去争夺成为第一旅客。请谈谈你的来由。

Information About the Trip to ISS

Number of visitors

2 every year

Length of stay  


30 days (at most)


$ 27000 per night (stay)

$ 40 million (transport)

Recently, it has been announced that the International Space Station is going to be open to civilian tourists in 2020. If time and money is no object/permit, I think it’s thrilling to be among the first batch of space explorers.   

First, I’ve long been enamored with the mysterious beauty of the universe, which has been likened to “a beautiful lady behind the mask”. Though we may still be unable to see her true appearance, this trip can at least offer me a closer look at her. Also, the arrangement of this trip can’t be better. There will be a partner with me and the trip will last no longer than a month, so that I’ll feel neither lonely nor bored.

Besides, the high cost of the trip should be seen as an advantage rather than a disadvantage. This is because the money I pay could be used for technical maintenance and upgrade, which could be seen as an encouragement to the commercialization of space travel. Just like a century ago, no one could have imagined that we would now get to any place on this planet within a day. I believe that space travel will become accessible to most people one day in the future, and my visit will help make that happen a little sooner.

Finally, some may recoil at the thought of potential dangers during the trip, but I won’t be scared off and will take all the risks. Looking back on the human history, almost all the great steps forward have been driven by our courage. As John Kennedy said in a speech: “We choose to go to the moon, not because it’s easy, but because it’s difficult”, and I think that spirit still rings true today.

For any great exploits or pursuits in our civilization, there must be those who blaze the trail for the rest of us. If opportunity knocks, I won’t miss it for the world. 


【高考范文】FF 2023届 高考范文1

【高考范文】FF 2023届 高考范文2

【高考范文】KJ 2023届 高考范文3

【高考范文】KJ 2023届 高考范文4

【高考范文】FF 2023届 高考范文5

【高考范文】JF 2023届 高考范文6


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